Yay, Six Sentence Sunday time again!
If you’ve never heard of it before, Six Sentence is a rather simple concept. Authors share six sentences from one of their works. It could be a work in progress, a book not yet released, or a book that’s available for purchase.
Today I share a snippet from Loving a Fairy Godmother. LFG is my recently re-released take on Cinderella and the first story in my series, “Fairy Tales and Ever Afters”.
This is the scene where we first meet our hero Tiernan, from our heroine Reina’s POV:
Under the trees and surrounded by his harem, Tiernan lounged in the grass, his relaxed demeanor proclaiming he didn’t have a care in the world.
The other Godmothers were gazing at him in dreamy adoration, as if every word that came from his mouth was a miracle. Though, to be fair, they might consider the miracle more what his shirt and breeches covered and less what came from his mind, considering how many glances Reina counted checking out those two areas.
He was a beautiful man. Even at her most annoyed, Reina could never deny that. Sandy blond hair, eyes the color of a summer sky, and dimples that made every woman who saw them start fanning herself.
Beautiful, but not perfect, with the nose that had been broken at least once and scars slashed into his skin, testifying about his life as a soldier as much as the broad shoulders and heavily muscled body did.
I adore Tiernan. He’s one of my favorite characters so far.
As an aside, while I did not base Tiernan’s looks on any individual, I recently came across a guy that – while not 100% – came pretty close to how I pictured Tiernan.

He’s an actor by the name of Josh Holloway and my understanding is he’s known from the television show “Lost” (which I never watched). Check out my boards on pinterest if you’re interested in seeing Reina or who may have inspired other characters in my books.