Romantic Geek Girl

Danielle Monsch takes you through the softer side of geek

Archive for the tag “Giveaway”

Winner Announced!!!


It’s been an amazing celebration. One last time, I want to thank everyone for hanging with me and helping me spread the word about Toys for Tots. I had a lot of fun.

Before I announce the winner  🙂  ultimately this giveaway was about raising some money for charity. After the sales have been tallied, I am thrilled to report that $750 is going to Toys for Tots – and of course, that is not counting the money that some have chosen to donate on their own!

Thank you, bless you all.

Okay, enough of the mushy stuff!  We have a Grand Prize Winner to announce! And that winner is…..


Congratulations Angel, I hope you enjoy your prize.

There are also several secondary prize packs going out, so make sure you look in your email to see if you won one of those  🙂

12 Days of Halloween

From about mid-October until Christmas was always a magical and much anticipated time when I was young.

Probably not an uncommon statement from a kid. My mom should have been a party planner, because our house was always decked out for the season. We were the house that people do that double-take with, because looking only once wasn’t enough to take it all in.

Mom’s favorite holiday was Halloween. Since I’m a fantasy/paranormal writer, it’s safe to say that rubbed off on me, and with kids of my own, I enjoy Halloween in a completely new way, with my kids excitement about dressing up and their enjoyment in the *fun* scares.

While her favorite might have been Halloween, Mom excelled in overall holiday planning. My mom was a generous lady. She never liked cooking, but she loved to bake the holiday pies and cookies and other goodies that come with the season, and everyone who knew us came away during the holiday season with loads of culinary delights. If you ask me to name my favorite food ever, it would have to be Mom’s pumpkin pie.

It’s probably because this time was usually so joyous that one memory sits there, lumpy and misshapen and not a fit with the rest.

Don’t ask me how old I was, but I came down the stairs one night – going to get some water I think – and Mom was on the couch, staring at the Christmas tree. The packages weren’t under the tree yet, which was odd since Mom tended to put them under as soon as the tree went up (Mom is not a last minute shopper – in fact, I’m pretty sure her shopping is done in July.) Now I haven’t believed in Santa ever, so it was no question in my mind about who presents come from.

What set this memory in my mind so sharply was my mother’s face the few moments before she realized I was in the room. At the time I didn’t have the words or the emotional knowledge to name what emotions were in play. All I knew was it wasn’t good.

Several years later we were talking, and in the way of conversations everywhere, somehow that night came up, and I asked Mom what was going on.

She confided that when I saw her, the reality of our situation was none of us kids were going to get Christmas presents. It had been a bad year with lots of doctor bills and not as much work as they hoped to get. Maybe they would be able to get a practical clothing item, but certainly nothing beyond that. Then she told me that a couple days after I saw her that night, her uncle heard about our situation. Without her or my dad asking, he went out and got presents for us kids and told her that it was his early Christmas gift to her and he would not accept any money or repayment.

Mom told me she cried while she wrapped them. She told me it was the best gift she’d ever gotten.

While my childhood would never fit in a Dickinson narrative, there were a few years there where we did with minimal, so hearing after-the-fact that no presents was a possibility didn’t surprise me. What did surprise me was the lurch in my chest at the thought of it as a near reality. That didn’t make sense – after all, we were several years past by then, and I was a grown person who understood economic realities.

That lurch, though, was real. And as time has marched on, I think I understand the reason for it, just like now that I’m a mother I understand the look on my mother’s face that night. The holidays were a safe and sacred time. The rest of the year – okay, it’s life, and life happened. But in my memory, the holidays were apart from that, not touched with the ickiness that could happen at other times.

If I didn’t getToys for tots presents that year, I think that safety and warmth that the holidays (or the thought of) always caused would have disappeared. I wouldn’t have had that protective bubble anymore that helped get me through bad times, and the loss of that would have been a greater tragedy than not getting a doll under the tree.

So while Toys for Tots was not responsible for me getting presents that year, I recognize in a deep and personal way the very good work they are doing.

Toys for Tots is my favorite holiday charity. There are many excellent charities I celebrate and give to, but this time of year my thoughts and my wishes are for the kids who are not in the best circumstances and are in danger of not having a gift under their own tree. It’s not the material item that matters (though it’s always nice to get a great gift, right?) What I never want them to lose is that safe warmth that should categorize the holidays, a warmth that sometimes might be the only thing that gets them through the rest of the year.

Which leads me to the 12 Days of Halloween!StoneGuardian800

12 Days of Halloween is my (and many other excellent authors) way of having a great time and celebrating the beginning of this wondrous time of year – with giveaways and gifts and raising money for Toys for Tots!

What is involved?

First! My novel Stone Guardian is on a very special sale. From now until Halloween, it is half-off with part of the proceeds going to Toys for Tots! So you get a book for cheaper than usual, and a chunk of the money will be going to an amazing cause! Huzzah!

And on the other side, I’ll be sharing lots of giveaways! Ebooks (donated by many generous authors) gift cards, swag sets, a Coach (!) bag, and finally…

apple-ipad-mini-2An iPad Mini!

Yes, you read that right – an iPad mini with a special Entwined Realms designed cover set is the grand prize.

So if you are interested in ALL THE GOODIES (I did mention lots of ebooks and giftcards which will be given away throughout the celebration, right?), please keep up with me at twitter, facebook, or right here on Romantic Geek Girl with all the ways to win.

Let’s celebrate the beginning to this great time of year, have a great party, maybe win some stuff, and most important of all – support Toys for Tots and make sure they can help a lot of kids this year!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Goodreads Giveaway (translation – Free Book!)

Throwing a Goodreads Giveaway for my first book!

Enter, peoples!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Fairy Tales and Ever Afters, Volume One by Danielle Monsch

Fairy Tales and Ever Afters, Volume One

by Danielle Monsch

Giveaway ends May 31, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Book Giveaway! Tarnished by Karina Cooper

It’s time for another giveaway – because I am awesome like that! (Actually, it’s because I’m sick and even surfing the internet makes me woozy, so this is an easy way to tarnisheddo content – but whatever works.)

Karina Cooper is a paranormal and steampunk writer. I met her last year at the Romantic Times convention – I was walking down a hallway and ahead of me was this fabulously dressed lady in full steampunk regalia. Totally stunning and I had to compliment her. Found out she was an author, I started getting info, and I’ve been following her ever since (her twitter stream is highly recommended.)

Tarnished is the first novel in her Steampunk series, The St. Croix Chronicles. The back cover copy reads a little something like this:

My name is Cherry St. Croix. Society would claim that I am a well-heeled miss with an unfortunate familial reputation. They’ve no idea of the truth of it. In my secret world, I hunt down vagrants, thieves . . . and now, a murderer. For a monster stalks London’s streets, leaving a trail of mystery and murder below the fog.

Eager for coin to fuel my infatuations, I must decide where my attentions will turn: to my daylight world, where my scientific mind sets me apart from respectable Society, or to the compelling domain of London below. Each has a man who has claimed my time as his—for good or for ill. Though as the corpses pile, and the treacherous waters of Society gossip churn, I am learning that each also has its dangers. One choice will see me cast from polite company . . . the other might just see me dead.

If you need an introduction to Karina – or to Steampunk in general – Tarnished is a wonderful way to start.

And as it happens, I have a SIGNED copy of Tarnished available for giveaway. Yes, you heard me right, signed! To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment about what you like best about Steampunk (or, if you’ve never read a Steampunk before, what you’ve heard that makes it interesting to you).

Winner will be picked on Monday, April 8 @ 5pm (pacific time).

Small print – No purchase necessary, proclaiming your undying love for me won’t up your chances, you must live in the USA (no international or military addresses) and be at least 18 years of age. If you are picked as the winner you will need to give me your snail mail addy for me to send you the book, and I’m not responsible for books lost or mangled by the Post Office.


You Want to Know Who Won, Right?

headshotsmall-579x640-271x300That lady on the left is Author Crista McHugh, she of the very generous nature who is giving away a signed copy of her book Tangled Web!  If you weren’t the lucky winner today (sorry 🙁 about that) I highly recommend you check out her other stuff. The lady has released a dozen books or so, lots of excellent stories for everyone! Happiness and Salutations all around!

Speaking of lucky winner, our lucky one today is… AMBER!  Congrats and confetti to you!

To all those who didn’t win, please come back and visit me again. I have lots of signed books and giftcards to give away in the future (that is called inducement – or bribery, but as long as it works.)

Book Giveaway! Tangled Web by Crista McHugh

TW-frontAnd because I’m cool like that, it’s time for another giveaway!

Crista McHugh is a friend, a talented award-winning writer, and the best chance I have of eventually knowing a NY Times Bestselling author.

Her newest release Tangled Web is book 1 of a new series and has been described as “Game of Thrones meets 50 Shades of Grey”.  The back cover copy reads thusly:

The deadliest assassin in the empire just got too close to her

Azurha, a former slave turned deadliest assassin in the empire,
has just been offered the ultimate challenge—seduce, then murder the new
Emperor. But Titus is not the tyrant his forefathers were, and his radical ideas
might be the glimmer of hope the empire needs.

Titus Sergius Flavus has
yet to master the powerful magic of his ancestors—magic he must wield if he’s to protect his people—but his father’s death has left him no choice. Rule the
Deizian Empire and attempt to right his ancestors’ wrongs, or watch her fall to
his greedy kin.

More than just Titus’ ideas hold Azurha captive. Night
after night, he awakens desires she thought lost, and uncovers the magic of her hidden lineage. As her deadline approaches, Azurha is forced to make an
impossible decision—complete her job and kill the man she loves, or fail and
forfeit both their lives.

Because we’re friends I can force her to sign books at any time, and I have recently done so. This means I have one book to give away to a lucky person. If you are interested, leave a comment telling me Happy New Year, Happy Birthday you old lady, why you think this book will rock, or any other thoughts you have. One person shall be picked at random to receive the book.

Winner will be picked at 5pm (pacific time) on Tuesday, January 15. Good Luck!

Small print – No purchase necessary, proclaiming your undying love for me won’t up your chances, you must live in the USA (no international or military addresses) and be at least 18 years of age. If you are picked as the winner you will need to give me your snail mail addy for me to send you the book, and I’m not responsible for books lost or mangled by the Post Office.

Woo-Hoo! Free Book! Blood Rights by Kristen Painter

Now, is this not one of the most gorgeous book covers you’ve ever seen?

It so is, and I’m giving one away, SIGNED by the Fabulous Kristen Painter (she of the amazing prose and equally amazing shoes.)

First, Description!

Born into a life of secrets and service, Chrysabelle’s body bears the telltale marks of a comarré — a special race of humans bred to feed vampire nobility. When her patron is murdered, she becomes the prime suspect, which sends her running into the mortal world…and into the arms of Malkolm, an outcast vampire cursed to kill every being from whom he drinks.
Now, Chrysabelle and Malkolm must work together to stop a plot to merge the mortal and supernatural worlds. If they fail, a chaos unlike anything anyone has ever seen will threaten to reign.

Sounds nifty, right? Right?! Right.

To celebrate me getting back into blogging, this shall be the easiest giveaway ever. Simply leave a comment that says, “Hi Dani! I want this book!” or something to that effect. One winner shall be randomly picked from amongst all the hello’s!

Winner will be picked at 5pm (pacific time) on Friday, June 8. Good Luck!

Small print – No purchase necessary, proclaiming your undying love for me won’t up your chances, you must live in the USA (no international or military addresses) and be at least 18 years of age. If you are picked as the winner you will need to give me your snail mail addy for me to send you the book, and I’m not responsible for books lost or mangled by the Post Office.

Edit to Add – Cover Artist is Nekro


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