Romantic Geek Girl

Danielle Monsch takes you through the softer side of geek

Archive for the tag “Sale Price!”

There’s this writer by the name of Jeannie Lin…

…and Jeannie Lin writes historical romance novels set during the Tang Dynasty of China – which no one else does. She has beautiful cover art and has won lots of awards and I’m sure she goes around and introduces herself butterflyswordsby saying, “Hi, I’m Jeannie Lin, and I write award-winning historical romance set during the Tang Dynasty of China. Would you like to touch one of my awards?”

Not to encourage her takeover of the world, but her first novel Butterfly Swords is on sale for $1.99 at Amazon for a limited time. Go grab a great novel at a great price, then go back after you’ve read it and grab the rest of her books. You’ll be happy you did.

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