Romantic Geek Girl

Danielle Monsch takes you through the softer side of geek

Archive for the tag “swords”

Darkly Dreaming – THE Romance Fantasy Anthology you all want!!!!


Long time no speak! I really should get in the habit of blogging at least a bit more, but like all of you out there, I’ll believe it when I see it  🙂  9781311727428

A HUGE, WONDEROUS, AMAZING, ABSOLUTELY FANTABULOUS piece of news! I’m part of a very limited time box set! Darkly Dreaming is a Fantasy Romance Anthology which moi and four other premiere authors of fantasy and paranormal – Elizabeth Hunter, Grace Draven, Kristen Painter, and Cate Rowan – get together to offer FIVE full-length novels for $.99!!!!

My contribution? Stone Guardian a’course! But even if you have SG, you want to pick up this set. $.99 wouldn’t even buy you one of these books during most of the year, so all five is a ridiculous bargain.

Why we doing such a crazy thing? Promotion of course! And like any good promotion, this is a limited time offer – one month for this one, to be exact. So pick it up NOW!!!!  😀

The set goes live on September 15. You can preorder right now at Amazon, Apple iBooks, and Smashwords, and I’ll give you the links to the other stores as they become available.






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